2 x 4’s and More.

A new business designed to make your world easier.

What came 1st? The chicken or the egg?

We believe the Chicken Coop most likely came before the chicken and the egg.

A well-designed coop makes all the difference.

The products we make are built to last. We use heavy-duty components & the best materials. Quality and attention to detail is what makes them unique.

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American Made Products

We build many handmade items. We utilize products that are sourced through our local vendors to keep your costs low. See our products and ask for a more basic, or more custom design. Is there a product that you would like built on an automated assembly line, or do you have a new business or invention that you would like to develop? We work with the Nation’s finest top-tier industry manufacturing machine builders, so we can actually create and build any item, for any industry. How does this work? We rely on the experience of the relationships we have in the specific manufacturing industries with the key players, and we have assisted them greatly in their past endeavors with other business solutions and services. Our relationships are what makes the difference. It starts at the top. We make the customer the focal point and assist to make the experience as successful and fun as possible.

Construction Management from A-Z.

We work on all projects, regardless of size and cost. We have extensive experience working with every trade contractor in the industry and utilize the best ones to make sure our projects are accomplished on time, and within budget. We provide you with everything you will need to manage the future of your project with or without our help.

Golf Cart Garage- standard/hurricane proof

We use a modular building system that enables us to build structures from 3’x 4’, to 6’x6’, and to any size to achieve the desired overall dimensions required.

We have designed a beautiful garage to protect your Golf Cart or favorite fun-time ATV from the elements. We can modify it with many options. See the plan, make any changes, and have it shipped to you. You can build it or have it built on site.

Waterfall Addition & Landscaping Features

Book an appointment.

Let’s begin with a quick story about what you are looking for.

How may we help you? Please browse through our pictures, videos, stories, and testimonials to learn more about all of the items we make and sell.

We have everything from T-shirts to Interactive Bigfoot Outdoor Experiences that we book. Please let us know what we can do to make your world a better place. Thank you!